

  • zh



SCL License 服务采用的是“服务器——客户端”的网络模型,客户端和服务器可以是同一台机器。实际检查时,需要逐一确认:

  • SCL 服务器主机正常运行;
  • SCL 服务正常启动;
  • SCL 可以正常分发 license;
  • 图形界面或计算客户端与服务器保持网络连接。

检查 SCL 服务启动情况

确认 SCL 安装的服务器正常运行,使用终端软件登录服务器,在 SCL 启动的账号或 root 账号中,使用命令:

ps -ef | grep lmgrd

正确的输出应包含 lmgrdsnpslmd 两个进程:

$ ps -ef | grep lmgrd
dong    97994  87598  0 15:21 pts/8    00:00:00 grep --color=auto lmgrd
dong   454718      1  0 09:14 ?        00:00:00 ./synopsys/scl/2023.09/linux64/bin/lmgrd -c ./synopsys.txt -l synopsys.log
dong   454720 454718  0 09:14 ?        00:00:03 snpslmd -T mgt 11.16 7 -c :./synopsys.txt: -srv ati5aWK1CcwO9XOUvTc45oUVgDdbmUygwQ3fZh2xHDT0xYNJUmFBPOp6sSSyKAG -daemon_port 6d60 --lmgrd_start 60ac4f85 -vdrestart 0

如果 lmgrd 或 snpslmd 未能正常运行,应尝试重新启动(详见:SCL服务的启动和重启),启动不成功时,检查log文件错误信息。

检查 SCL 服务可以正常发放 license


登录 SCL 服务主机,执行命令:

lmstat -a -c 27020@[my_scl_server] # 注释:[my_scl_server] 应替换为实际的服务器主机名或IP地址


Flexible License Manager status on Sat 4/14/2018 09:53

[Detecting lmgrd processes...]
License server status: 27020@mu01
    License file(s) on mu01: /opt/synopsys/SCL/2017.12/admin/license/Synopsys.txt:

mu01: license server UP (MASTER) v11.14.0

Vendor daemon status (on mu01):

   snpslmd: UP v11.14.0
Feature usage info:

Users of SSS:  (Total of 1 license issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of atk_dp:  (Total of 32 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of atk_master_forcefield:  (Total of 2 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of atk_master_negf:  (Total of 2 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of atk_nanolab:  (Total of 2 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of atk_nanolab_links:  (Total of 2 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of atk_python:  (Total of 30 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of smw:  (Total of 5 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)

SCL服务器是 Windows 主机时

打开 lmtools 工具,点击 Server Status,点击 Perform Status Enquiry,稍等片刻,下面应该显示 license 状态。


当 SCL 启动不成功或者启动成功但不能获取license时,应该按照具体错误信息排查。参见:SCL服务运行与License获取时的常见错误


以下是使用 lmstat 检查 license 使用情况的典型输出(中文部分为添加的说明)

# 检查license使用状态命令
$ /opt/synopsys/scl/lmstat -a -c 27020@localhost
lmstat - Copyright (c) 1989-2019 Flexera. All Rights Reserved.
Flexible License Manager status on Mon 12/13/2021 14:49
# SCL服务器运行的主机和使用的license文件
License server status: 27020@fermihost
    License file(s) on fermihost: /opt/synopsys/license.txt:
    fermihost: license server UP (MASTER) v11.16.4
Vendor daemon status (on fermihost):
   snpslmd: UP v11.16.4
Feature usage info:
Users of SSS:  (Total of 1 license issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
# 总并行度数量256个,正在使用5个
Users of atk_dp:  (Total of 256 licenses issued;  Total of 5 licenses in use)
  "atk_dp" v2021.06, vendor: snpslmd, expiry: 18-may-2022
  vendor_string: ^1+S
  floating license
#   用户名 主机名         显示器名                    (SCL主机/端口 句柄), 获取时间,              个数
    dell DESKTOP-EPA790I DESKTOP-EPA790I (v2018.09) (fermihost/27020 783), start Mon 12/13 14:46, 5 licenses
Users of atk_master_forcefield:  (Total of 5 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of atk_master_negf:  (Total of 5 licenses issued;  Total of 1 license in use)
  "atk_master_negf" v2021.06, vendor: snpslmd, expiry: 18-may-2022
  vendor_string: ^1+S
  floating license
    dell DESKTOP-EPA790I DESKTOP-EPA790I (v2018.09) (fermihost/27020 683), start Mon 12/13 14:46
Users of atk_nanolab:  (Total of 2 licenses issued;  Total of 2 licenses in use)
  "atk_nanolab" v2021.06, vendor: snpslmd, expiry: 18-may-2022
  vendor_string: ^1+S
  floating license
    dell DESKTOP-EPA790I DESKTOP-EPA790I (v2018.09) (fermihost/27020 211), start Mon 12/13 10:22
    Dong MateBookDD MateBookDD (v2019.06) (fermihost/27020 418), start Mon 12/13 14:42
Users of atk_nanolab_links:  (Total of 2 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of atk_python:  (Total of 25 licenses issued;  Total of 1 license in use)
  "atk_python" v2021.06, vendor: snpslmd, expiry: 18-may-2022
  vendor_string: ^1+S
  floating license
    dell DESKTOP-EPA790I DESKTOP-EPA790I (v2018.09) (fermihost/27020 124), start Mon 12/13 10:57
Users of smw_all:  (Total of 5 license issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
atk/检查scl服务状态和license使用情况.txt · 最后更改: 2023/10/05 11:06 由 fermi

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