计算自旋密度,实际上是计算Single Point,唯一需要注意的是,需要勾选Unrestricted选项,也就是对自旋向上和向下分别进行迭代。如果不勾选这一项的话,只计算其中一种自旋的能级和电子轨道的空间分布,另一种自旋的情况就直接copy过去。
只有勾选Unrestricted选项的时候,才会生成Spin density信息。
SCM - View - Properties - Spin density,经过短暂计算(小分子几秒钟,分子越大耗时越长,但一般不会超过几分分钟的量级)即可看到自旋密度,设置图像透明(参考:如何设置View中各种空间分布图的透明度)后,如下图所示:
Mulliken、Hershfield、Voronoi等电荷、自旋电荷数据较好理解,在SCM → Output → Mulliken Charge Analysis即可看到。这里重点讲一下Multipole Derived Charge(MDC)。
SCM → Output 中给出的MDC-m、MDC-d、MDC-q
MDC atomic charges (includes spinA + spinB electrons) The MDC-m charges are just the Monopole terms in the multipole expansion, while for the MDC-d charges also the Dipoles are reconstructed. The usually preferred charges are the MDC-q charges. These reconstruct the Monopoles, Dipoles and Quadrupoles (both atomic AND molecular). Given here are the atomic charges of both spins added. These should be compared to the values from a "normal" RESTRICTED calculation. Atom Level: MDC-m MDC-d MDC-q --------------------------------------------------------- 1 O 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2 O 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 MDC spin density (spinA - spinB) Reported here are the the number of Alpha-electrons minus the number of Beta-electrons per atom, which usually are regarded as spin densities. Atom Level: MDC-m MDC-d MDC-q --------------------------------------------------------- 1 O 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 O 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
上面数据中,MDC atomic charges和MDC spin density (spinA - spinB),有MDC-m、MDC-d、MDC-q,分别表示只考虑到单极(也就是零级近似),以及单极、偶极(即到二级近似),以及单极、偶极、四极(四级近似)。最精确的是第三列数据。