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  1. 对称性破缺三重激发态增强红色余辉实现普遍余辉读出, Adv. Sci. 2024, 2308897



  1. 8-羟基喹啉配体与重原子取代基的9-硼芴-9-基和二苯基硼四配位配合物的合成、荧光及其在OLED器件中的应用, Dyes and Pigments

Available online 24 April 2024, 112174, DOI: 10.1016/j.dyepig.2024.112174

  1. Pt(II)施主-桥-受主结构的超快激发态非绝热动力学:光学控制的量子方法, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2024, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.4c00646
  2. 一些纯有机TADF材料OLED特性的详细研究, materialstoday communications, 2024, DOI: 10.1016/j.mtcomm.2024.108643
  3. 由激基复合物形成主体实现的高效近红外OLED和一种新型有机荧光发射器,Advanced Optical Materials,2024,DOI:10.1002/adom.202303131
  4. 表现出强多共振蓝色荧光的分子二元体,Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society,2024,DOI:10.1002/bkcs.12824
  5. 钐(III)基配合物圆偏振发光的从头算研究, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2024


  1. 理解小炔基保护金纳米团簇中的配体依赖光致发光机制, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2023, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.3c04644
  2. 用RPA近似和σ-泛函计算有机发色团和线性蒽的化学精确单线态三重态能量差值, J. Chem. Phys., 2023, 159, 194105
  3. 从DFT计算揭示卤化铜膦染料的延迟荧光机理, Results in Chemistry, 2023, DOI: 10.1016/j.rechem.2023.101201
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  6. 硼基发色团作为TADF器件中有效分子的光物理性质的计算研究, ChemPhotoChem, 2023, DOI: 10.1002/cptc.202300147
  7. Organic light-emitting diode behaviors of some synthesized platinum(II)-based complexes, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 2023, DOI: 10.1002/qua.27208
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  9. 【西北工业大学张董伟课题组】高性能苯并噻吩并[3,2-b][1]苯并噻吩基有机半导体发光性能的研究,Dyes and Pigments, 2023, DOI: 10.1016/j.dyepig.2023.111359
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  12. 三维甲酸亚汞(III)配位聚合物的结构和发光行为研究,Chemistry–A European Journal, 2023, DOI: 10.1002/chem.202300077







  1. Z.-M. Su et al., Investigation on the effect of connected bridge on thermally activated delayed fluorescence property for DCBPy emitter, Dyes & Pigments 145, 277 (2017)
  1. Up-Conversion Intersystem Crossing Rates in Organic Emitters for Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence: Impact of the Nature of Singlet vs Triplet Excited States,PralokK.Samanta, DongwookKim, VeaceslavCoropceanu, andJean-LucBred́as, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 139, 4042, (2017)
  1. Theoretical study of the substituent effect controlling the radiative and non-radiative decay processes of platinum(II) complexes, Wei Shen, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 19, 23532, (2017)
  1. DFT study of host-dopant systems of DPVBi with organophosphorus pi-conjugated materials, AnushaValaboju, COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY, 1113, 61, (2017)
  1. Violet-blue emitting 2-(N-alkylimino)pyrrolyl organoboranes: Synthesis, structure and luminescent properties, ParamasivamKrishnamoorthy, DYES AND PIGMENTS, 140, 520, (2017)
  1. Theoretical insights into the phosphorescent process of a series of 2-(2-trifluoromethyl) pyrimidine-pyridine based heteroleptic iridium(III) compounds: The influence of the ancillary ligand, Xin Wang, COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY, 1105, 69, (2017)
  1. Fine tuning phosphorescent properties of platinum complexes via different N-heterocyclic- based CNN ligands, JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY, Wenting Zhang, 836, 26, (2017)
  1. Theoretical insights into the nature of PtSn bond: Reevaluating the bonding/back-bonding properties of trichlorostannate with comparison to the cyano ligand, Tamara Papp, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY, 38, 1712, (2017)
  1. 5,9-Dioxa-13b-Oxophosphanaphtho[3,2,1-de]anthracenes Prepared by Tandem Phospha-Friedel–Crafts Reaction as Hole-/Exciton-Blocking Materials for OLEDs, Soichiro Nakatsuka, ORGANOMETALLICS, 36, 2622, (2017)
  1. Theoretical investigation on the effect of ancillary ligand modification for highly efficient phosphorescent platinum(II) complex design, Hong-Wei Fan, RSC ADVANCES, 7, 17368, (2017)


  1. Enhanced spin-orbit coupling driven by state mixing in organic molecules for OLED applications, Tzu-Ting Huang, ORGANIC ELECTRONICS, 39, 311, (2016)
  1. Thiocyanate-Free Ruthenium(II) Tetrabenzoporphyrin Sensitizers for Photoelectrochemical Cell: A DFT/TD-DFT Probe for Stability of Axial Donor Ligands, Jin‐Yu Lv, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY, 116, 1342, (2016)
  1. Exploring the Photodeactivation Pathways of Pt[ONCN] Complexes: A Theoretical Perspective, Yafei Luo, CHEMPHYSCHEM, 17, 69, (2016)
  1. Theoretical study and design of cyclometalated platinum complexes bearing innovatively a highly-rigid terdentate ligand with carboranyl as a chelating unit, Yanyan Xu, RSC ADVANCES, 6, 78241, (2016)


  1. Exploration of phosphorescent platinum(II) complexes functionalized byg distinct main-group units to search for highly efficient blue emittersg applied in organic light-emitting diodes: A theoretical study, Yafei Luo, INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA, 435, 109, (2015)
  1. Theories of phosphorescence in organo-transition metal complexes – Fromg relativistic effects to simple models and design principles for organicg light-emitting diodes, B.J.Powell, COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS, 295, 46, (2015)
  1. Luminescent Di- and Trinuclear Boron Complexes Based on Aromaticg Iminopyrrolyl Spacer Ligands: Synthesis, Characterization, andg Application in OLEDs, Dr. D. Suresh, CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, 21, 9133, (2015)
  1. Phosphine oxide functionalized pyrenes as efficient blue light emittingg multifunctional materials for organic light emitting diodes, Godumala Mallesham, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, 3, 1208, (2015)
  2. Y. Wu et al., Theoretical study and design of multifunctional phosphorescent platinum(II) complexes containing triarylboron moieties for efficient OLED emitters, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17, 2438 (2015)


  1. Electronic Structures of Platinum(II) Complexes with 2-Arylpyridine and 1,3-Diketonate Ligands: A Relativistic Density Functional Study on Photoexcitation and Phosphorescent Properties, Mie Tanaka, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 118, 12443, (2014)
  1. Tunable Fluorophores Based on 2-(N-Arylimino)pyrrolyl Chelates of Diphenylboron: Synthesis, Structure, Photophysical Characterization, and Application in OLEDs, Dr. D. Suresh, CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, 20, 4126, (2014)
  1. Predicting phosphorescent lifetimes and zero-field splitting of organometallic complexes with time-dependent density functional theory including spin-orbit coupling, K. Mori, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 16, 14523, (2014)
  1. Electronic Structures of Platinum(II) Complexes with 2-Arylpyridine and 1,3-Diketonate Ligands: A Relativistic Density Functional Study on Photoexcitation and Phosphorescent Properties, Mie Tanaka, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 118, 12443, (2014)


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  1. Forward molecular design for highly efficient OLED emitters: A theoretical analysis of photophysical properties of platinum(II) complexes with N-heterocyclic carbene ligands, Yong Wu, DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 40, 4480, (2011)


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