Sigma Moments 是从 sigma profile 中导出的非常有用的化学描述符,类似于统计分布的“矩”(Moment),并可以认为是将 sigma profile 中存在的高维信息,减少为表征该 sigma profile 的少数描述符。Sigma Moments 已知是 QSPR 中有价值的描述符,并被认为很好地代表了溶剂空间。例如,在以下文献中,发现 Sigma Moments 与土壤吸附系数具有良好的相关性:
以下脚本将计算一些常见分子的前几个 Sigma Moments 以及氢键受体和氢键供体矩。
import os import numpy as np from scm.plams import * ################## Note: Be sure to add the path to your own AMSCRS directory here ################## database_path = os.getcwd() if not os.path.exists(database_path): raise OSError(f'The provided path does not exist. Exiting.') init() #suppress plams output config.log.stdout = 0 class SigmaMoments: def __init__(self,filenames,hb_cutoff=0.00854): self.filenames = filenames self.hb_cutoff = hb_cutoff def calculate_moments(self) -> dict: self.moments = {} self.calc_profiles_and_chdens() self.calc_standard_moments() self.calc_hb_moments() return self.moments def calc_profiles_and_chdens(self): # initialize settings object settings = Settings() = 'PURESIGMAPROFILE' # set the cutoff value for h-bonding settings.parameters.sigmahbond = self.hb_cutoff compounds = [Settings() for i in range(len(self.filenames))] for i,filename in enumerate(filenames): compounds[i]._h = os.path.join(database_path, filename) settings.input.compound = compounds # create a job that can be run by COSMO-RS my_job = CRSJob(settings=settings) # run the job out = # convert all the results into a python dict res = out.get_results() # retain profiles and charge density values self.tot_profiles = res["profil"] self.hb_profiles = res["hbprofil"] self.chdens = res["chdval"] def calc_standard_moments(self,max_power=3): for i in range(max_power+1): tmp_moms = [] for prof in self.tot_profiles: tmp_moms.append( np.sum(prof*np.power(self.chdens,i)) ) self.moments["MOM_"+str(i)] = tmp_moms def calc_hb_moments(self): self.moments["MOM_hb_acc"] = [] self.moments["MOM_hb_don"] = [] zeros = np.zeros(len(self.chdens)) for prof in self.hb_profiles: self.moments["MOM_hb_acc"].append(np.sum( prof * np.maximum(zeros,self.chdens-self.hb_cutoff) )) self.moments["MOM_hb_don"].append(np.sum( prof * np.maximum(zeros,-self.chdens-self.hb_cutoff) )) # the files we want to use to calculate sigma moments filenames = ["Water.coskf", "Hexane.coskf","Ethanol.coskf","Acetone.coskf"] sm = SigmaMoments(filenames) moms = sm.calculate_moments() max_mom_len = max([len(m) for m in moms]) print() print( (" "*5).join(["Moment".ljust(max_mom_len)]+filenames)) lens = [len(fn) for fn in filenames] for mom_name in moms: print( (" "*5).join([mom_name.ljust(max_mom_len)]+[('{0:.5g}'.format(m)).rjust(l) for m,l in zip(moms[mom_name],lens)])) finish()